techdivision/import 1.0.0-alpha32

A library supporting generic Magento 2 import functionality





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M2IF - Magento 2 Import Framework

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This is the core library for the Magento 2 Import Framework M2IF.

The objective of M2IF is to provide a fully functional replacement for the Magento 2 standard import functionality with a 100 % CSV file compatibility. In contrast to other approaches, the framework is not build as a Magento 2 extension, although it has no dependencies to other frameworks like Symfony, Laravel or others. Instead, it provides independent components, that can be tied together as needed, by adding them as composer dependency.

A simple command line implementation should give a brief overiew of how a simple import application could look like. For more information, have a look at the M2IF - Simple Console Tool repository

Performance & Memory Comparison

Import performance is one of the main topics, as in many, especially the bigger projects with more than 100.000 products, the necessary time to keep the catalog up to date, may always be a bottleneck or an issue.

This performance comparison below, will actually NOT be a the real source of truth, as M2IF doesn't yet provide the complete functionality the Magento 2 standard import does. But as M2IF meanwhile will provide the most common features, it would give you a nice impression about what will be possible.


For the comparison, we used a standard Magento 2 CE v2.1.2 with sample data. As M2IF actually doesn't support Downloadable und Grouped Products, we removed these from the CSV file(s). This finally results in

  • 23 custom attributes
  • 1 bundle product
  • 147 configurable products
  • 1.891 simple products

that we exported with the standard CSV export and created 4 bunches with ~500 products. To start the import process itself we used the M2IF - Simple Console Tool.

To execute the Magento 2 standard import we used a simple M2 extension that extends the Magento 2 command line tool. The extension is provided by CedricBlondeau and can be found on Github.

Before we start the import (both the Magento 2 + M2IF), we removed the already imported image files, as importing the same images again and again will lower performance.


On a MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) with the following configuration

  • Intel Core i7 2.3 GHz
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 256 GB HDD

using PHP 5.6 + MySQL 5.6.34 we actually achive these results

Operation M2 Standard M2IF Improvement
replace 113 s 32 s ~ x 3.50
add-update 114 s 49 s ~ x 2.30
delete 10 s 10 s ~ x 0.00

Beside Performance, the Memory Usage will also be a topic in some cases. As well as the Performance topic, Memory Usage will be relevant in projects with more than 100.000 products.

When importing the sample data, as described under Performance, M2IF has a memory peak of 38.1 MB in contrast to Magento 2 standard import with 149.4 MB. For M2IF, it doesn't matter how big the CSV will be.

As already mentioned, please keep in mind, this comparison lacks of some functionality the Magento 2 standard import provides and and exectutes when running it. Especially the data validation will took some time and M2IF acutally lacks of any validation functionality!


Actually we've a pre-alpha status, so we STRONGLY recommend not to use M2IF in production now.

The following functionality is already available, for CE and EE

  • [x] Delete, Add/Update + Replace Import Mode
  • [x] Simple Products
  • [x] Configurable Products
  • [x] Bundle Products
  • [x] Product Relations
  • [x] Media Gallery
  • [x] Inventory
  • [x] Relation with existing Categories
  • [x] Relation with existing Websites
  • [x] Url Rewrites

This and many more is, what we're actually working on

  • [ ] Fine Grained Error Handling
  • [ ] Extended Logging
  • [ ] Downloadable Products
  • [ ] Grouped Products
  • [ ] Customizable Options
  • [ ] Product Reviews
  • [ ] Valididation
  • [ ] Import Scheduled Product Updates
  • [ ] RESTFul Webservice
  • [ ] Archiving (equivalent to Magento Standard Functionality)
  • [ ] History (Append to Standard Magento Import History)
  • [ ] Seamless Magento 2 Backend Integration
  • [ ] Tier Prices

Planned with future versions, are importer types for

  • [ ] Categories
  • [ ] Product Attributes
  • [ ] Customers
  • [ ] Advanced Pricing

And finally the project will provide exporting functionality, but that has to be discussed.

Basic Workflow

The importer has a component based architecture and provides a plug-in mechanism to add new functionality. Each component is provided by it's own composer library, whereas the libraries will have dependencies to each other, at least to this library.

Each component COULD provide a subject that'll be executed synchronously by the command. When a subject is executed, it's import() method will be invoked and a unique ID for the actual import process, as well as the name of the file that has to be imported, will be passed. To save memory, the import() method opens a stream to parse the passed file line by line. For each line found, the importRow() method will be invoked, that has exactly one parameter, which is the actual row, that has to be processed.

As described above, a subject can implement the import functionality, it is responsible for, by itself. A better and more generic solution are observers, that can be registered e. g. in a configuration file. A subject can have one or more observers, that will be invoked, by the subject's importRow() method. This means, for each row in the CSV file, all registered observers are executed synchronously.