pcapredict/tag 2.0.1

Address Validation for Checkout Forms





Requires (dev)










Manual Install

From Git

  • Locate the /app/code directory which should be under the magento root installation.
  • If the code folder is not there, create it.
  • Create a folder PCAPredict inside the code folder.
  • Change to the PCAPredict folder and clone the Git repository (https://github.com/pcapredict/magento2.git) into PCAPredict specifying the local repository folder to be Tag e.g. git clone https://github.com/pcapredict/magento2.git Tag

From ZIP File

  • Locate the /app/code directory which should be under the magento root installation.
  • If the code folder is not there, create it.
  • Create the folder structure PCAPredict/Tag/ inside the code folder.
  • Extract the contents of the .ZIP file to the Tag folder you just created.

Magento Setup

  • Make sure you have the correct file and folder permissions set on your magento installation so that the magnento store can install the app.
  • Refer to the Magento 2 documentation for full instructions on how to install an app, the commands should be similar to the following:
# This tells magento to install the app.
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
# You may need to run the following command to flush the Magento cache so the app works correctly:
php bin/magento cache:flush

App Configuration Options

The configuration for the extension is located under Stores > Other Settings > PCA Predict Settings.

Main screen

  • Account Code - Enter your PCAPredict Account Code here.
  • Password - The password you used when you setup the account.

Logged in screen

  • Back-end custom javascript - This is for any custom javascript to be injected into the back-end of the website when the app loads.
  • Front-end custom javascript - This is for any custom javascript to be injected into the front-end of the website when the app loads.