flowcommerce/flowconnector 2.1.1

Flow Connector





Requires (dev)










Flow Connector Magento Module

Getting Started


  1. In the require section of Magento 2's composer.json, require the flowcommerce/flowconnector module.
"require": {
    "flowcommerce/flowconnector": "^2.1.1"
  1. Run following commands from your Magento 2 app root:
composer update
compose install
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Initial Setup

Login to your Flow Console: 1. Create your Organization's first viable Experience. - If you do not have an Organization yet or need more information about your Flow Console, Organizations, and Experiences, please contact your Customer Success Manager. - An Experience is viable for checkout when it is "Active" and has Shipping Tiers available. Flow Logistics Setup 2. Generate a Flow API Key for use in the Magento 2 Back Office setup - From the left hand menu, select Organization Settings -> API Keys -> New API Key. - Input a meaningful name for this key that clearly represents where it is intended to be used, for example "magento-sandbox-key", and click Create API Key 3. Note your Flow Organization ID for Magento 2 Back Office setup - This can be found in your current browser address bar 'https://console.flow.io/YOUR-ORGANIZATION-ID-HERE/organization/api-keys'.

Login to your Magento 2 Back Office: 1. From the left hand menu, click on Stores -> Configuration. 2. Change the Scope to your store (or default store if you only have one). 3. Select Flow Commerce -> Connector Settings, enable the connector and fill out your Flow Organization ID and Flow API Key. - After saving the configuration, the module will be able to connect to Flow's API

Initialize Installation Settings 1. Run the following command on your web server from your Magento 2 app root directory. This will accomplish: - Webhook registration - Fetching inventory center keys - Generating price attributes in Flow

php bin/magento flow:flow-connector:integration-initialize

Syncronize your Magento 2 Catalog 1. Run the following commands on your web server from your Magento 2 app root directory

php bin/magento flow:flow-connector:catalog-sync-attributes-save
php bin/magento flow:flow-connector:catalog-sync-queue-all
php bin/magento flow:flow-connector:catalog-sync-process


Product Catalog

Documentation: Flow Product Catalog

This module automatically syncs product information to Flow in two ways:

  1. Product creations, updates, and deletes are queued with an observer. This queue is processed with a cron task every minute, with additional workers spawned every minute the queue is not empty.
  2. There is a cron task that syncs the entire product catalog to Flow. By default, this will sync twice per day for production Flow organizations only.

Price Localization

Documentation: Flow.js Product Localization

Localized prices generated via the Flow pricing engine are cached in the same JSON configurations that standard Magento 2 pricing information is stored. To enable this price localization caching as well as the applicable RequireJS mixins, select "Yes" on the "Enable Catalog Price Localization" field in your Magento 2 configuration for Flow Commerce.

Alternatively, you can implement your own customized price localization solution by refering to the documentation.

Cart Localization

Documentation: Flow.js Cart Localization

Localized carts generated via the Flow order engine are rendered on the fly via FlowJS. To enable cart localization, select "Yes" on the "Enable Cart Localization" field in your Magento 2 configuration for Flow Commerce.

Alternatively, you can implement your own customized price localization solution by refering to the documentation.

Country Picker

Documentation: Flow Country Picker

The Flow Country Picker can be automatically installed into the top left of your header. To enable this, select "Yes" on the "Enable Country Picker" field in your Magento 2 configuration for Flow Commerce.

Alternatively, you can leave "Enable Country Picker" set to "No" and Flow's Country Picker JS file is still be available for a custom integration.

Checkout UI (CUI)

Documentation: Flow Checkout UI

Once you have Magento 2 Catalog items synced with your Flow Organization's Product Catalog customers can be sent to Flow Hosted Checkout. Redirects to Flow Checkout UI can be automated via our Magento 2 Checkout controller interceptor. To enable this interceptor, select "Yes" on the "Redirect to Flow Checkout" field in your Magento 2 configuration for Flow Commerce.

Alternatively, you can leave "Redirect to Flow Checkout" set to "No" and implement sending your customers to this redirect controller manually. For example, creating a link to this path:


For more information on customizing Flow's CUI please refer to Customizing Checkout UI.


Discounts are calculated and applied according to the rules of your Magento 2 store's base currency and applied as a percentage of the line item row total. Magento 2 discounts applied to shipping costs are not applied to Flow orders.

Webhook Processing

Documentation: Flow Webhook

Upon configuring this module with your Flow credentials, the module configures a set of webhooks to receive event data from Flow. These webhook events are queued and processed with a cron task. For example, after a customer submits an order through Flow Checkout UI, a series of webhook events are be sent to Magento 2 with detailed order and payment information.

Console Commands

Console commands provided by this module:

flow:flow-connector:catalog-sync-attributes-save  Saves product attributes needed for the integration in flow.io
flow:flow-connector:catalog-sync-process          Process sync skus queue and send to Flow.
flow:flow-connector:catalog-sync-queue-all        Queue all products for sync to Flow catalog.
flow:flow-connector:cron-cleanup                  Clean up Flow cron tasks.
flow:flow-connector:integration-initialize        Initializes integration with flow.io. This is a wrapper for webhooks registration, attributes creation, inventory center key fetching and creating secret for webhook payload verification.
flow:flow-connector:inventory-center-fetch-keys   Fetches inventory center keys for all store views where flowconnector is configured.
flow:flow-connector:inventory-sync-process        Process inventory sync queue and send to Flow. Warnings may be logged for items which are configured to not track inventory.
flow:flow-connector:inventory-sync-queue-all      Queue all products for sync to Flow inventory.
flow:flow-connector:webhook-event-process         Process Flow webhook events.
flow:flow-connector:webhook-register-webhooks     Register webhooks with Flow.
flow:flow-connector:webhook-update-settings       Create secret for webhook payload verification.

Extending Functionality

This module dispatches several events that observers can listen to:

  • An event is dispatched when a webhook event is received from Flow.
    • List of event types can be found in the Model/WebhookManger/EndpointsConfiguration.php class.
    • The event name is Flow\FlowConnector\Model\WebhookEvent::EVENT_FLOW_PREFIX + the event type.
  • An event is dispatched after a webhook event is processed.
    • List of event types can be found in the Model/WebhookManger/EndpointsConfiguration.php class.
    • The event name is Flow\FlowConnector\Model\WebhookEvent::EVENT_FLOW_PREFIX + the event type + Flow\FlowConnector\Model\WebhookEvent::EVENT_FLOW_SUFFIX_AFTER.
  • An event is dispatched after a product has been synced to Flow.
    • The event name is Flow\FlowConnector\Model\Sync\CatalogSync::EVENT_FLOW_PRODUCT_SYNC_AFTER.
  • An event is dispatched if the customer changed their email address during Flow Hosted Checkout.
    • The event name is Flow\FlowConnector\Model\WebhookEvent::EVENT_FLOW_CHECKOUT_EMAIL_CHANGED.