fastly/magento2 1.0.2






Requires (dev)











Thank you for using the "Fastly CDN module for Magento2" (FastlyCDN).

This package contains everything you need to connect (Fastly) with your Magento commerce shop and to get the most out of Fastly's powerful caching capabilities for a blazing fast eCommerce site. The FastlyCDN module consists of two main components:

The FastlyCDN module relies on Magento2's page cache functionality and extends its Varnish capabilities to leverage Fastly's enhanced caching technology and GeoIP support.

The second component, the VCL, configures Varnish to process the client requests and Magento's HTML response according to the Cache-Control headers the FastlyCDN module adds to every response.

1. Prerequisites

Before installing the FastlyCDN module you should setup a test environment as you will need to put Fastly in front which will certainly take a while for configuring and testing. If you directly rollout this solution to your production server you might experience issues that could affect your normal eBusiness.

Ensure that your Magento2 store is running without any problems in your environment as debugging Magento2 issues with Fastly in front might be difficult.

FastlyCDN supports Magento2 Community and Enterprise Edition from version 2.0 onwards.

You need an account with which allows uploading of custom VCL. If you need professional services for setup your environment please contact  

2. Installation

This chapter describes the installation of the Magento2 module as well as the settings within your account.

Magento module

The installation of the Magento module is pretty easy:

  1. Login (or switch user) as the Magento filesystem owner.
  2. Ensure that the files in 'app/etc' under the Magento root are write enabled by the Magento Filesystem owner.
  3. Ensure that git and composer are installed.
  4. Inside the Magento Home directory add the composer repository for the module. composer config respositories.fastly-magento2 git "https://[your-github-username]:[your-github-passwd]"
  5. Next fetch the module with: ```composer require fastly/magento2``
  6. Once the module fetch has completed enable it by: bin/magento module:enable Fastly_CDN
  7. Then finally the clean up tasks: bin/magento setup:upgrade followed by: bin/magento cache:clean
  8. Once this has completed log in to the Magento Admin panel. Go to Stores > Configuration. Then to System > Advanced. Expand the section 'Full Page Cache'. From the 'Caching Application' select 'Fastly CDN'. You can then add the credentials and choose the caching options.

If any critical issue occurs you can't easily solve, call "bin/magento module:disable Fastly_Cdn" to disable the FastlyCDN module. If necessary clear Magento's cache again.

Upload the VCL file bundled with the FastlyCDN module to your Fastly service.

Fastly App

The Fastly Magento plugin requires the ability to upload custom VCL to your services. If you don't already have it, send [email protected] a request asking to have the VCL uploading enabled on your account.

Proceed with the configuration.

3. Configuration

This section handles the different configuration options for the module as well as settings that have to be configured on the server.

3.1 General Settings

In the following section the configuration options for the Fastly CDN module are explained. Some of them can be changed on the website and store view level which allows fine grained configurations for different store frontends.

In your Magento2 backend go to Stores -> Configuration -> System in the "Advanced" section and open "Full Page Cache" tab.

Note that if you change a value here Fastly will not reflect it until you purge its HTML objects or the TTL of the cached objects expires.

Caching Application

Make sure you choose "Fastly CDN" if you want to use Fastly service. This enables the basic functionality like setting HTTP headers and allows cache cleaning on the Magento Cache Management page. This option should be set to "Fastly CDN" as soon as you point one of your store domains to the Fastly service even if you would like to deactivate the caching. Until this is done caching behavior may not work as expected and cleaning options on the Cache Magement page won't be available.

TTL for public content

Fastly delivers cached objects without requesting the web server or Magento again for a certain period of time defined in the TTL (time to live) value. You can adjust the TTL for your shop pages.

Note that this field only allows numeric values in seconds. It doesn't support the same notation that can be used in the VCL. "2h" (2 hours) have to be entered as "7200" seconds. For static contents Fastly can use Cache-Control headers which might be set by the web server (e.g. see .htaccess for mod_expires settings).

Fastly Service ID

Enter the service id of the Fastly service that is connected to the current scope.

Fastly API key

Enter your Fastly API key.

(Details of how to find these are documented here).

Stale content delivery time

Fastly can serve stale content even if the TTL has expired. During the time it takes Fastly to fetch the fresh content from Magento it can serve stale content from ist cache. This setting defines the time in seconds to allow Fastly to serve stale content after the "normal" TTL has expired.

Stale content delivery time in case of backend error

This setting defines the time in seconds that stale content can be delivered in case the backend is down or cannot respond properly.

Purge category

This option binds automatic purge of category (Fastly) cache with is update event. If you always want up-to-date category information on front-end set the option value to "Yes" and category cache will be invalidated each time a category update occurs.

Purge product

This option binds purge of product (Fastly) cache with product and product's stock update. If set to "Yes" product pages cache is invalidated each time product update or product's stock update occurs.

Additionally, if "Purge Category" option is set to "Yes" this triggers product's categories cache purge on product/product stock update. This option is useful to keep product pages and categories up-to-date when product becomes out of stock (i.e. when the last item purchased by a customer).

Purge CMS page

This option binds automatic purge of CMS page (Fastly) cache with its update event. If set to "Yes" CMS page cache is invalidated each time CMS page update event occurs (i.e. CMS page content update via Magento admin).

Use Soft Purge

Using soft purge will not remove the content immediately from Fastly's cache but mark it as stale. In combination with the stale timings your customers will be serverd stale content very fast while Fastly is updating the content in the background.

3.2 GeoIP handling

GeoIP handling will get the country of a web client based on it's IP address. This feature can be used to either automatically redirect visitors to the store matching their country or to show them a dialog to select the desired store themselves.


In your Magento2 backend go to Stores -> Configuration -> System in the "Advanced" section and open "Full Page Cache" tab and choose "Yes" with "Enable GeoIP". Make sure to be on store configuration scope.

General behavior

The Fastly module supports two options to serve the store view based on GeoIP country code: It can show the visitor a modal dialog to give him the option to switch to a frontend that fits to his country or he can be redirect automatically. Both actions are performed using JavaScript and can be adjusted if necessary.

In the VCL the cookie headers are examined. If either the X-Magento-Vary or form_key cookie are present this Fastly will not take any action as it presumes the customer either saw (and maybe interacted with) the modal dialog or was automatically redirected to the matching store. If the form_key cookies is present the visitor has been browsing around so he shouldn't be disturbed by dialogs or redirects.

GeoIP Action

Choose "Dialog" to show a modal dialog to the visitor. This gives him the option to switch to the suggested store based in the GeoIP lookup and the "GeoIP Country Mapping" (see below) or stay on the current frontend. Choose "Redirect" to perform redirect the visitor to an appropriate store view.

GeoIP Country Mapping

For every country you want to map to a specific store you have to enter a country code and select a target store. All country codes use ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 codes. You can use "*" as wildcard to match all country codes.

Prevent redirect or static blocks to be shown

You probably don't want to redirect your customers to another store if the country of your visitor matches the current store. To prevent redirects you have to add a mapping using the country code of that store and leave the other field empty. This way, if your customer is in the "right" store (based on the country), no GeoIP based action will be triggered.

4. Cache cleaning, PURGE requests

Fastly caches objects for a certain period of time according to their TTL. After that the object will not be requested from the web server or Magento again. Until the TTL expires Fastly will deliver the cached object no matter what will change within Magento or the webserver's file system. To force Fastly to cleanup its' cache and to retrieve the information again from the backend you can trigger a purge request right from Magento.

In the Magento2 backend go to System -> Cache Management. If you have enabled the FastlyCDN module in the configuration you will see three new buttons "Additional Cache Management" section.

Purge by content type

You can purge objects in Fastly's Cache based on its content type by just clicking "Clean Fastly CDN Cache by content type". This will allow you for example to remove the CSS files of all store views in Fastly if they have been modified without the need to invalidate any other object which will save a lot of resources on high frequented stores.

Purge by store

You can purge objects in Fastly's Cache based on the store by just clicking "Clean Fastly CDN Cache by store". This will only remove content that is generated from Magento. Images, CSS files or JavaScripts will not be purged.

Purge a URI

It is also possible to purge a single url (e.g. page) using "Quick Purge". Enter desired URL in input field next to "Quick Purge" button and press it. If URL is valid you'll see a success message for purged page.

Purge all

Beside these direct purge requests FastlyCDN has observers for "Flush Magento Cache" and "Flush Cache Storage" to purge all objects in Fastly together with the Magento cache refresh. It also has observers for "Flush Catalog Images Cache" and "Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache" to clean objects that match the appropriate surrogate keys in Fastly. All HTML objects will be purged too as the product image and JavaScript/CSS paths will change when Magento generated them again so the cached HTML objects might contain wrong paths if not refreshed. You can also enable automatic purging of CMS pages, categories and products when they are saved (see configuration). If you don't want these observers to take automatic action comment them out in the config.xml of the FastlyCDN module.

5. VCL Design Exceptions

By default Varnish does not take into account User-Agent string of a request when building its cache object. Magento Design Exceptions use regular expressions to match different design configurations to User-Agent strings. In order to make Design Exceptions work with Varnish you will have to renew Varnish VCL each time Design Exceptions are updated. To do this use the button "Export VCL for Varnish fastly" button in the configuration section and upload the new VCL to the Fastly service.