Magento 2 extension to inform users about the use and the management of your website cookies
OSL-3.0, AFL-3.0
WaPoNe Cookie Notification is a Magento 2 extension to inform users about use and management of your website cookies.
Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder
composer require wapone/module-cookie-notification
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
If you don't use composer to install the module but you download it directly, you also have to download https://github.com/WaPoNe/module-wapone-base module.
Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > WaPoNe > Cookie Notification.
Functional Settings 1. Set Activation to 'YES'. 2. Insert a value for Cookie Life (default value is 3600) 3. Insert a value for Cookie Path (it is not required) 4. Insert a value for Cookie Domain (it is not required)
Design Settings 1. You have to choose Message Position (Top or Bottom) 2. Insert the Message to display to users 3. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of Message Text 4. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of Message Background 5. Insert the text for Cookie More Button 6. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of Cookie More Button Text 7. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of Cookie More Button Background 8. Select how to open Cookie More Button Link (Same Frame or New Window) 9. Select the page to link for Cookie More Button (default value is Privacy Policy page, in Luma Theme) 10. Insert the text for Cookie Allow Button 11. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of Cookie Allow Button Text 12. Insert an exadecimal value to set the color of Cookie Allow Button Background