Magento 2.X extension to deploy Tealium code.
Tealium's official integration for TiQ on the Magento 2 framework. In its current state it is an implementation of some minimal boiler plate code for implementing and extending universal data objects (UDOs) for various page types. It relies heavily on Magento's prescribed dependency injection system and layout systems. Included is a simple script that will scaffold out boiler plate code when creating a new UDO. It allows you to specify any UDOs that it may extend, and which pages of the site the new UDO should appear on. When finished, you're left with a scaffolded template that just needs to be filled in with any data specific logic for your particular use case.
You can get started understanding the UDO and concepts of a data layer at https://community.tealiumiq.com/t5/Getting-Started/Getting-Started-with-The-Data-Layer/ta-p/9503.
Documentation on Magento can be found at http://devdocs.magento.com/.
You will need the following items: - An active Tealium IQ Account - Your Tealium Account Id (it will likely be your company name) - The Tealium Profile name to be associated with the app (your account may have several profiles, ideally one of them is dedicated to your iOS app) - The Tealium environment to use: - prod - qa - dev - custom
You can install the Tealium Magento Extension free via the Magento Marketplace: https://marketplace.magento.com/tealium-tags.html
You need to copy the Tealium folder from Github to app/code within your Magento folder. If app/code doesn’t exist, create it.
Run the following commands:
sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade
sudo php -d set_time_limit=3600 -d memory_limit=1024M bin/magento setup:di:compile
In the admin panel under store configuration, you can set the options for the extension (Stores -> Configuration -> Tealium -> Tag Management). You will need to enable it, and define your TiQ account, profile, and environment information.
3.1.0 Release
3.0.2 Release
3.0.1 Release
2.0.0 Release
1.0.1 Release
If you should experience any issues with this plugin, please report them as issues directly to the repository. In your submitted issue, please include which version of Magento you reference, e.g. 2.4.1. Tealium also accepts enhancement requests, if you find there are features you wish to see supported in future releases. Please use the enhancement label on your submitted issue.
Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement contained in the file titled "LICENSE.txt". Please read the license before downloading or using any of the files contained in this repository. By downloading or using any of these files, you are agreeing to be bound by and comply with the license agreement.
Copyright (C) 2012-2020, Tealium Inc.