Upgrade your CMS content using UpgradeData scripts
This Magento 2 module allows you to upgrade your CMS blocks and pages using UpgradeData scripts.
Your UpgradeData
script should inject Sifuen\UpgradableContent\Model\ContentUpgrader
. In your constructor, you
should initialize the ContentUpgrader using $this->contentUpgrader->setContentModule([your module name])
. This is used
to find your CMS content files.
Assuming the module you create your UpgradeData file in is called Sifuen_CmsTest
, you would invoke
to tell the ContentUpgrader that this module is where you can find your CMS
content files.
By default, CMS content files are read from [your module directory]/Setup/content/[version]/[pages/blocks]/[identifier].html
To change this, see Advanced Initialization
See Advanced Initialization for other ways to initialize the ContentUpgrader.
use Sifuen\UpgradableContent\Model\ContentUpgrader;
class UpgradeData implements UpgradeDataInterface
* @var ContentUpgrader
private $contentUpgrader;
* UpgradeData constructor.
* @param ContentUpgrader $contentUpgrader
public function __construct(
ContentUpgrader $contentUpgrader
$this->contentUpgrader = $contentUpgrader;
// Set the current module we are in so the content upgrader
// can find our content files
You are given access to two main methods on the ContentUpgrader instance.
$this->upgradeCmsPages($version, $identifiers)
$this->upgradeCmsBlocks($version, $identifiers)
is the module version you are upgrading to.
can be two things:
* An array of page/block identifiers
* An array of arrays, where the index of each element is the identifier of the page/block being updated/created and the
value is the page/block data, minus the content.
You usually use the second version of $identifiers
if you are creating CMS content, while you will use the first
if you are updating CMS content.
* @param ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup
* @param ModuleContextInterface $context
* @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function upgrade(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.1', '<')) {
* In this instance, we are creating a new CMS page with the identifier
* 'example-page-test'. The array of page data is added to the Page model
* using addData()
$this->contentUpgrader->upgradePages('1.0.1', [
'examplepage-test' => [
'title' => 'Example Page',
'page_layout' => '1column',
'content_heading' => 'Example Page'
if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.2', '<')) {
* Now we're upgrading an existing page named 'examplepage-test'. Only
* the content will be updated to what the HTML file contains.
$this->contentUpgrader->upgradePages('1.0.2', ['examplepage-test']);
if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.3', '<')) {
* This will create a new CMS block named 'exampleblock-test' with the title
* 'Example Block Title'.
$this->contentUpgrader->upgradeBlocks('1.0.3', [
'exampleblock-test' => [
'title' => 'Example Block Title'
if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.4', '<')) {
* This will update the CMS block 'exampleblock-test' with the newest content from the HTML file
$this->contentUpgrader->upgradeBlocks('1.0.4', ['exampleblock-test']);
The files that the ContentUpgrader will read are:
There are a few constructor arguments that can be overridden on Sifuen\UpgradableContent\Model\ContentUpgrader
. See
the following di.xml
example to see what is available to override.
If you set contentDirectory
on ContentUpgrader
, then contentModuleName
and moduleContentFolder
are ignored.
is meant to completely override how the module finds the content files.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<type name="Sifuen\UpgradableContent\Model\ContentUpgrader">
<!-- The full path where you can find your CMS content files -->
<argument name="contentDirectory" xsi:type="string">/var/somewhere/else/completely</argument>
<!-- The module name where to find your CMS content files -->
<argument name="contentModuleName" xsi:type="string">Sifuen_ModuleName</argument>
<!-- Where in the module it can find your CMS content files -->
<argument name="moduleContentFolder" xsi:type="string">Setup/content</argument>
<!-- The file extension your CMS content files will have -->
<argument name="contentFileExtension" xsi:type="string">.html</argument>
You can also set these manually in the constructor of your UpgradeData script.
* UpgradeData constructor.
* @param ContentUpgrader $contentUpgrader
public function __construct(
ContentUpgrader $contentUpgrader
$this->contentUpgrader = $contentUpgrader;
// The full path where you can find your CMS content files
// The module name where to find your CMS content files
// Where in the module it can find your CMS content files
// The file extension your CMS content files will have