sifuen/module-upgradable-content 1.0.0

Upgrade your CMS content using UpgradeData scripts





Requires (dev)











This Magento 2 module allows you to upgrade your CMS blocks and pages using UpgradeData scripts.

How To Use

Your UpgradeData script should inject Sifuen\UpgradableContent\Model\ContentUpgrader. In your constructor, you should initialize the ContentUpgrader using $this->contentUpgrader->setContentModule([your module name]). This is used to find your CMS content files.


Assuming the module you create your UpgradeData file in is called Sifuen_CmsTest, you would invoke setContentModule('Sifuen_CmsTest') to tell the ContentUpgrader that this module is where you can find your CMS content files.

By default, CMS content files are read from [your module directory]/Setup/content/[version]/[pages/blocks]/[identifier].html. To change this, see Advanced Initialization

See Advanced Initialization for other ways to initialize the ContentUpgrader.

use Sifuen\UpgradableContent\Model\ContentUpgrader;

class UpgradeData implements UpgradeDataInterface
     * @var ContentUpgrader
    private $contentUpgrader;

     * UpgradeData constructor.
     * @param ContentUpgrader $contentUpgrader
    public function __construct(
        ContentUpgrader $contentUpgrader
        $this->contentUpgrader = $contentUpgrader;
        // Set the current module we are in so the content upgrader
        // can find our content files

Upgrading Content

You are given access to two main methods on the ContentUpgrader instance.

$this->upgradeCmsPages($version, $identifiers)

$this->upgradeCmsBlocks($version, $identifiers)

$version is the module version you are upgrading to.

$identifiers can be two things: * An array of page/block identifiers * An array of arrays, where the index of each element is the identifier of the page/block being updated/created and the value is the page/block data, minus the content.

You usually use the second version of $identifiers if you are creating CMS content, while you will use the first if you are updating CMS content.


 * @param ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup
 * @param ModuleContextInterface $context
 * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
public function upgrade(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
    if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.1', '<')) {
         * In this instance, we are creating a new CMS page with the identifier
         * 'example-page-test'. The array of page data is added to the Page model
         * using addData()

        $this->contentUpgrader->upgradePages('1.0.1', [
            'examplepage-test' => [
                'title' => 'Example Page',
                'page_layout' => '1column',
                'content_heading' => 'Example Page'

    if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.2', '<')) {
         * Now we're upgrading an existing page named 'examplepage-test'. Only
         * the content will be updated to what the HTML file contains.

        $this->contentUpgrader->upgradePages('1.0.2', ['examplepage-test']);

    if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.3', '<')) {
         * This will create a new CMS block named 'exampleblock-test' with the title
         * 'Example Block Title'.

        $this->contentUpgrader->upgradeBlocks('1.0.3', [
            'exampleblock-test' => [
                'title' => 'Example Block Title'

    if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.4', '<')) {
         * This will update the CMS block 'exampleblock-test' with the newest content from the HTML file
        $this->contentUpgrader->upgradeBlocks('1.0.4', ['exampleblock-test']);

The files that the ContentUpgrader will read are:

  • app/code/Sifuen/CmsTest/Setup/content/1.0.1/pages/examplepage-test.html
  • app/code/Sifuen/CmsTest/Setup/content/1.0.2/pages/examplepage-test.html
  • app/code/Sifuen/CmsTest/Setup/content/1.0.3/blocks/exampleblock-test.html
  • app/code/Sifuen/CmsTest/Setup/content/1.0.4/blocks/exampleblock-test.html

Advanced Initialization

There are a few constructor arguments that can be overridden on Sifuen\UpgradableContent\Model\ContentUpgrader. See the following di.xml example to see what is available to override.

If you set contentDirectory on ContentUpgrader, then contentModuleName and moduleContentFolder are ignored. contentDirectory is meant to completely override how the module finds the content files.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
    <type name="Sifuen\UpgradableContent\Model\ContentUpgrader">
            <!-- The full path where you can find your CMS content files -->
            <argument name="contentDirectory" xsi:type="string">/var/somewhere/else/completely</argument>
            <!-- The module name where to find your CMS content files -->
            <argument name="contentModuleName" xsi:type="string">Sifuen_ModuleName</argument>
            <!-- Where in the module it can find your CMS content files -->
            <argument name="moduleContentFolder" xsi:type="string">Setup/content</argument>
            <!-- The file extension your CMS content files will have -->
            <argument name="contentFileExtension" xsi:type="string">.html</argument>

You can also set these manually in the constructor of your UpgradeData script.

 * UpgradeData constructor.
 * @param ContentUpgrader $contentUpgrader
public function __construct(
    ContentUpgrader $contentUpgrader
    $this->contentUpgrader = $contentUpgrader;
    // The full path where you can find your CMS content files
    // The module name where to find your CMS content files
    // Where in the module it can find your CMS content files
    // The file extension your CMS content files will have