Paylike integration with payment gateway magento 2
This plugin is not developed or maintained by Paylike but kindly made available by a user.
Released under the GPL V3 license: https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0
Magento version last tested on: 2.4.3-p1
The plugin has been tested with most versions of Magento at every iteration. We recommend using the latest version of Magento, but if that is not possible for some reason, test the plugin with your Magento version and it would probably function properly.
Once you have installed Magento, follow these simple steps: 1. Signup at paylike.io (it’s free); 2. Create a live account; 3. Create an app key for your Magento website; 4. Purchase the extension archive from the Magento Marketplace; 5. Upload the files trough the Extension Manager; 6. Activate the module using the Extension Manager; 7. The module should now be auto installed and visible under "Stores >> Configuration >> Sales >> Payment Methods", the module will be listed here inside the "OTHER PAYMENT METHODS" list; 8. Insert the app key and your public key in the Payment module settings for the Paylike plugin.
Once you have installed Magento, follow these simple steps:
1. Signup at paylike.io (it’s free);
2. Create a live account;
3. Create an app key for your Magento website;
4. Purchase and download the extension archive from the Magento Marketplace;
5. Login to your Magento 2.x Hosting site (for details contact your hosting provider);
6. Open some kind File Manager for listing Hosting files and directories and locate the Magento root directory where Magento 2.x is installed (also can be FTP or Filemanager in CPanel for example);
7. Unzip the file in a temporary directory;
8. Upload the content of the unzipped extension without the original folder (only content of unzipped folder) into the Magneto “php bin/magento setup:upgrade
* composer require paylike/php-api ^1.0.8
* php bin/magento cache:clean
11. Open the Magento 2.x Admin panel;
12. The module should now be auto installed and visible under "Stores >> Configuration >> Sales >> Payment Methods", the module will be listed here inside the "OTHER PAYMENT METHODS" list;
13. Insert the app key and your public key in the Payment module settings for the Paylike plugin.
Once you have installed Magento, follow these simple steps:
1. Signup at paylike.io (it’s free);
2. Create a live account;
3. Create an app key for your Magento website;
4. Purchase the extension from the Magento Marketplace;
5. Login to your Magento 2.x Hosting site using SSH connection (for details contact your hosting provider);
6. Run the following commands from the Magento root directory (more info in the official documentation):
- composer require esparks/module-paylike
(this will also install paylike/php-api ^1.0.8package specified in composer.json file in this module)
php bin/magento module:enable Esparks_Paylike --clear-static-content-
php bin/magento setup:upgrade-
php bin/magento setup:di:compile-
php bin/magento cache:clean`
6. Open the Magento 2.x Admin panel;
7. The module should now be auto installed and visible under "Stores >> Configuration >> Sales >> Payment Methods", the module will be listed here inside the "OTHER PAYMENT METHODS" list;
8. Insert the app key and your public key in the Payment module settings for the Paylike plugin.
Under the Magento Paylike payment method settings, you can: * Enable/disable the module * Update the payment method title in the payment gateways list * Change the credit card logos displayed in the description * Update the payment method description in the payment gateways list * Update the title that shows up in the payment popup * Set transaction/payment mode (test/live) * Add test/live keys * Change the capture mode (Instant/Delayed by changing the order status) * Enable sending invoices by email * Change new order status * Enable payment logs
## Upgrading module
* To update or upgrade the module run following commands:
- composer update esparks/module-paylike
(upgrade to latest version)
or (for eg.)
- composer require esparks/module-paylike ^1.4.0
(upgrade to version 1.4.0)
After that, run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean
Capture Online
Amount status (at the bottom)Credit memo
on the invoice.Void
action if the order hasn't been captured. If it has, only refund is available.Capture