This is a module that allows to update currency rates from addition external sources.
This is a module that allows to update currency rates from addition external sources.
[The old, deprecated Fixer API will be discontinued on June 1st, 2018]
We are happy to announce the complete relaunch of fixer.io into a more
stable, more secure, and much more advanced currency & exchange rate
conversion API platform. While the core structure of our API remains
unchanged, all users of the legacy Fixer API will be required to sign
up for a free API access key and perform a few simple changes to their
integration. To learn more about the changes that are required.
Be aware that free access to Fixer API has limited functionality.
You can setup Access Token for Fixer API in your administration panel for Magento.
Finance Google
New changes were introduces by Google and now it's possible only parse HTML to get required information.
Be aware about that Google may change it HTML structure at any time
European Central Bank
The reference rates are usually updated around 16:00 CET on every working
day, except on TARGET closing days. They are based on a regular daily
concertation procedure between central banks across Europe, which normally
takes place at 14:15 CET.
Be aware about low refresh rate
$ composer require oxcom/magento2-currency-services
$ bin/magento module:enable OxCom_MagentoCurrencyServices
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ bin/magento setup:di:compile
Test will be performed on real sources, so internet connection is required.
$ composer install
$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c Test/phpunit.xml
Some info how to run tests in Travis + Magento Module