Module that makes it possible to login to Magento Admin via Onelogin Identity provider
This is migrated version of module magento-mod-onelogin for Magento 1.x
Magento module that makes it possible to login to Magento Admin via Onelogin Identity provider
Compatible with Magento 2.1+
Module adds a link "Login via Onelogin" on backend login form. Following this links initiates series of redirects that are described by SAML 2.0 standart
User authenticates against onelogin.com application and then information about user email is sent to Magento. Magento authenticate user by email and let him in.
We are using "OneLogin SAML Test (IdP)" as a base. You can set Credentials as "Shared" and put Email you need to let all users login through one Magento account
You should copy two things: - application ID, which can be found in url: yourcompany.onelogin.com/apps/123456 - X.509 certificate
Now you can copy module to your Magento folder and configure it. Go to Stores->Configuration->Advanced->Developer->Onelogin and put there the required settings.
Flush Magento caches and you are done - you can now click on "Login via Onelogin" and see how magic happens