Displays the magento product metadata and has an integrated commandline tool with various command shortcuts.
OSL-3.0, AFL-3.0
The MX Helper Bar for Magento 2 is intended to help store admins and operators by:
What follows is a list of the commands currently available. This list will grow and get better with time (like wine!).
This command will allow you to refresh cache types as if you were doing it from the Magento Cache Management page.
Start typing 'cc' in the Helper Bar textbox to see the list of available commmands. All the following are valid commands:
> cc
> cc configuration
> cc database ddl operations
This command allow you to enable or disable template path hints as you were doing it from Stores -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Developer -> Debug
For instance choose tph front en and this will set: Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront and Add Block Names to Hints to 'Yes'
instead, if you choose tph en this will enable the template hints on the storefront and in the adminhtml site area
The navigation shortcut commands allow you to quickly navigate to other magento pages. For instance choose nav cms block to be redirected to the Cms Blocks page.
If you want to contribute adding more shortcuts you can easily do so by editing the etc/di.xml file.
Add a new virtualType (see as an example navigation_redirect_cms_page) and inject it as a new argument in the type MX\HelperBar\Model\NavigationRedirectRepository
Then add the module to the require section of the composer file:
$ ./php composer.phar require "mx/module-helper-bar": "~1.0.1"
This command will add:
"require": {
"mx/module-helper-bar": "~1.0.1"
Once the module is added as dependency, run the Magento setup module, clear the cache and make sure the module status is enabled.
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ bin/magento c:c
$ bin/magento module:status MX_HelperBar
Now that the module is enabled, you need to make the Helper Bar visible.
Navigate to: Stores -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Developer -> Debug and select "Yes" for the option with label "Enabled Helper Bar for Admin"
Then refresh the page and you will see the Helper Bar at the bottom of the screen. If you wish, you can temporarily hide it by pressing the 'X' or using CTRL + ` as a keyboard shortcut.
By making this open source we hope others will gain value from it and use it as part of their projects. Please share any feedback, suggestions and additions so we can help make Magento 2 even faster, easier and simpler to work with and to develop amazing e-Commerce experiences on.
If you wish to contribute to the Helper Bar:
Please kindly raise an issue in Github.
Massive thanks to the Graze.com Team for inspiring this project and agreeing to let us open source the results, especially: * Jason Malone * Joe Meehan * Joe Ferrelly