This module is a Cash On Delivery implementation for Magento2 allowing you to define an additional fee based on destination country, region and total amount.
Main features:
Multiple currencies allowed
Multi store allowed
Percent or static fee supported
Fee per country / region / amount
Default fee fallback
Multi website support
Exclude specific regions
Installing in your Magento
From your CLI run: composer require msp/cashondelivery
Log-in your Magento backend
Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Cash On Delivery
Configure Cash On Delivery according to your preferences
Configuring fees
Log-in your Magento backend
Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Cash On Delivery
Scroll down untill you see Export CSV button
Click and download msp_cashondelivery.csv file
Change the CSV file and upload using the "browse" button
CSV syntax
MSP Cash On Delivery CSV file syntax is really simple. You have 5 columns: country, region, from_amount, fee, website
country: ISO 2 letters country code. Use * as wildcard to indicate all countries
region: Region name. Use * as wildcard to indicate all regions
from_amount: Indicates the minimum amount to apply the additional fee
fee: The fee to apply (in base currency). Adding % after the fee indicates a percent value
website: Magento website code (e.g.: base). Use * as wildcard to indicate all websites