Facebook Customer Chat Plugin for Magento 2
This Free Magento 2 extension integrates the Facebook Customer Chat Plugin easy into Magento 2.
Set theme color.
Set logged in greeting.
Set logged out greeting.
Set greeting dialog display:
show: The greeting dialog will always be shown when the plugin loads.
hide: The greeting dialog of the plugin will always be hidden until a user clicks on the plugin.
fade: The greeting dialog of the plugin will be shown, then fade away and stay hidden afterwards.
Download the extension as a ZIP file from this repository or install our module with Composer using the following command:
composer require magextensionsio/facebookcustomerchat
If you're installing the extension manually, unzip the archive and upload the files to /app/code/Magextensionsio/FacebookCustomerChat
. After uploading, run the following Magento CLI commands:
bin/magento module:enable Magextensionsio_FacebookCustomerChat --clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
These commands will enable the FacebookCustomerChat extension, perform necessary database updates, and re-compile your Magento store. From there, you'll want to run through the pre-import checklist and set everything up using our extension guide).
To include the customer chat plugin on your webpage, do the following:
Whitelist the domain of your website in your Facebook Page settings
Set your Facebook PageId in the extension settings.
For more info please read the Facebook developer page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/discovery/customer-chat-plugin
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If you're having trouble getting the working please contact us by visit our website: https://www.magextensions.io