This Magento 2 modules allows admin users to delete orders with all related information such as invoices, shipments and credit memos.
This Magento 2 modules allows admin users to delete orders including all related information such as invoices, shipments and credit memos via backend, command-line or REST API only.
A admin user can delete unwanted orders ( e.g test orders ) without having a developer / agency involved.
to the Actions
dropdown in the Sales > Orders
.Restrict Order Status
in Stores > Configuration > Sales > Sales > Delete Orders
allows the admin user to limit the delete feature to specific order statuses only.A drop down Availability
that can be used to limit the availability to Backend
, Command-Line
or All
It clears all related order information which are stored in the following tables.
sales_invoice, sales_invoice_grid, sales_shipment, sales_shipment_grid, sales_creditmemo, sales_creditmemo_grid
System > Permissions > User Roles
. The ACL resource is Stores > Configuration > Delete Orders
.Stores > Configuration > Sales > Sales > Delete Orders
in the dropdown Actions
is available on Sales > Orders
. Once the popup message Are you sure you want to delete selected items?
is confirmed, the module will deleted selected items and display a success message Total of X order(s) were deleted successfully.
can be used to delete one or multiple ( comma separated ) order ids. For example:bin/magento magenizr:order:delete 100000001
bin/magento magenizr:order:delete 100000001,100000002,100000003
bin/magento magenizr:order:delete 000000001,34234
Order ID 000000001 successfully deleted.
Order ID 34234 does not exist.
and method DELETE
.composer require "magenizr/magento2-deleteorders":"1.1.0" --no-update
composer update magenizr/magento2-deleteorders --no-install
to update your composer.lock file.Updating dependencies
Lock file operations: 1 install, 1 update, 0 removals
- Locking magenizr/magento2-deleteorders (1.1.0)
composer install
to install the package.Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
Package operations: 1 install, 0 update, 0 removals
- Installing magenizr/magento2-deleteorders (1.1.0): Extracting archive
php bin/magento module:enable Magenizr_DeleteOrders --clear-static-content
tar -xzf Magenizr_DeleteOrders_1.1.0.tar.gz
.php bin/magento module:enable Magenizr_DeleteOrders --clear-static-content
If you experience any issues, don't hesitate to open an issue on Github.
This module is available for free on GitHub.
Follow us on GitHub, Twitter and Facebook.
===== 1.1.0 =====
* 2.4.6 compatibility tested
* REST API Support <route url="/V1/order/:orderId" method="DELETE">
* Code cleanup
===== 1.0.2 ===== * Test 2.4.5 compatibility * Remove constraints in composer file * Change wording
===== 1.0.1 ===== * Command name renamed from magenizr:deleteorders to magenizr:order:delete
===== 1.0.0 ===== * Stable version