Magento 2 extension to give customers the ability to opt-out Google Analytics tracking. Useful for european union's countries (GDPR)
Magento 2 extension to give customers the ability to opt-out Google Analytics tracking. Useful for european union's countries (GDPR)
1. $ composer require kreativsoehne/magento-2-google-analytics-opt-out
2. $ ./bin/magento module:enable kreativsoehne_AnalyticsOptout
3. $ ./bin/magento cache:clean
4. Profit.
After installing and activating, you can place a simple deactivation checkbox nearly everywhere you want.
This is how you do it for a CMS page:
Content -> Elements -> Pages -> <edit page>
Reveal the Content part and switch Editor to markup mode. After that, place the following code anywhere you want.
<p><input class="ga-optout" type="checkbox" /> disable Google Analytics</p>
<p>{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="gaoptout" template="kreativsoehne_AnalyticsOptout::gaoptout.phtml"}}</p>
Clear the cache
$ ./bin/magento cache:clean
and open up that page on the frontend wihin a browser. You are now able to check and un-check a checkbox which will result in Google Analytics not tracking you on that browser.
This extension simply provides a small Template with some simple Java Script which can be placed anywhere via Magento's block feature.
When checking the checkbox, a Java Script generates a cookie called "ga-disable-
This Extension may not work in the future when new versions of google analytics with differend functionality appear.