This extension allows the admin to log in to customer account from admin panel. By logging in, admin can behave as a registered customer from the storefront.
Composer Installation
cd path_to_the_magento_root_directory
composer require kiwicommerce/module-login-as-customer
cd path_to_the_magento_root_directory
php bin/magento module:enable KiwiCommerce_LoginAsCustomer
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush
Find More details on KiwiCommerce
Admin can see the login as customer button on customer Grid page and Edit page.
Admin can see the login as customer button on Order Grid page and View page.
Admin can also track records of how many times an admin user logged in as a customer along with the login time and IP address. Not only this it also offers filter facility for each and every login.
User can control or set where “Login as customer” link will be displayed using the Setting section that is given below.
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