experius/module-wysiwygdownloads 1.2.6

This module makes it possible to upload different filetypes inside the WYSIWYG-editor (Media Gallery). Extra filetypes are Word (doc, docm, docx, odt), Excel (csv, xml, xls, xlsx, ods), PDF (pdf), Compressed Folder (zip, tar)





Requires (dev)










Mage2 Module Experius WysiwygDownloads

This module makes it possible to upload different filetypes inside the WYSIWYG-editor.


Main Functionalities

The following filetypes are available by default and it is possible to add extra filetypes to the allowed filetypes in the configuration of the module (General > Content Management > WYSIWYG Options > Extra Allowed Filetypes):

  • Word (doc, docm, docx)
  • Excel (csv, xml, xls, xlsx)
  • PDF (pdf)
  • Compressed Folder (zip, tar)

Use the following instructions to upload a file and set a download link:

Additional Information

  1. Go to a WYSIWYG-editor (for example in the content of a CMS Page or a product textarea attribute)
  2. Select a part of the text which is used as a Download Link (it is also possible to add the Download Link to an Image)
  3. Click on the 'Insert/Edit Link'-button (under the textformat dropdown, do not use the 'Insert/Edit Image'-button)
  4. Click on the 'Browse'-icon behind the Link URL-inputfield
  5. Select the Folder in which you want to upload the Downloadable File (recommended is to create a new Downloads folder to store all the Downloadable Files)
  6. Click the 'Browse files'-button
  7. Select the File from your Documents and click on the 'Open/Insert'-button
  8. Select the Uploaded File
  9. Click on the 'Insert File'-button
  10. (The 'File Upload'-windows will automatically close)
  11. It is recommended to set the Target to 'Open Link in a New Window)
  12. Press on the 'Insert'-button in the 'Insert/Edit Link'-popup
  13. The part of the text which was selected is now a Download Link for the selected file

To Unlink the Downloadable File just set the cursor on the Download Link and Click on the 'Unlink'-button.

Add NGINX redirect if you use it as internal URL else where and use store_code in url

    if ( $request_uri ~ ^/(.+)/media/wysiwyg/PDF/(.*)(.pdf$|.PDF$) ) {
            rewrite ^/(.+)/media/wysiwyg/PDF/(.*)(.pdf$|.PDF$) /media/wysiwyg/PDF/$2$3;

Important Issue in Magento < 2.2


This is an issue in Magento and is solved in 2.2.2 for more information see the following commit:



bildschirmfoto 2017-09-20 um 16 44 22 bildschirmfoto 2017-09-20 um 16 49 11

src is correct: <img src="http://domain.com/pub/media/wysiwyg/.thumbs/home/home-t-shirts.png?rand=1505918839" alt="home-t-shirts.png">

src is incorrect: <img src="http://domain.com/admin_111/cms/wysiwyg_images/thumbnail/file/aHRtbC1jaGVhdC1zaGVldC5wbmc-/key/08c5525fa3b16c91f2ad0f757282e78f6abf1f797e8c30628598f1b3824934d8/" alt="html-cheat-sheet.png">

Change log

Version 1.0.8 - Jan 19, 2018 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Updated README.md and CHANGE.log Added Important Issue in Magento < 2.2

Version 1.0.7 - Sep 4, 2017 | Lewis Voncken

  • [BUGFIX] Solved problem with Product Image upload => Notice: Undefined index: extension

Version 1.0.6 - June 12, 2017 | Derrick Heesbeen

  • [BUGFIX] make it compatible with the Experius FileManager

Version 1.0.5 - June. 7, 2017 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Updated README.md with nginx redirect for internal url with storecodes

Version 1.0.4 - May. 18, 2017 | Lewis Voncken

  • [BUGFIX] Solved error message Unsupported image format

Version 1.0.3 - Sep. 23, 2016 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Changed README
  • [TASK] Added Open Software License

Version 1.0.2 - Sep. 19, 2016 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Version update to 1.0.2 added configuration option to add more allowed filetypes beside the Default Extra Filetypes

Version 1.0.1 - Sep. 17, 2016 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Changed the logic so file extensions can be added in the configuration

Version 1.0.0 - Sep. 16, 2016 | Lewis Voncken

  • Initial Commit