experius/module-pagenotfound 1.5.1
Magento 2 Module Experius Page Not Found 404
This module saves all 404 urls to a database table.
- Adds an admin grid with 404s
- Adds an admin config
- It includes a count so you can see which 404 urls needs your attention first.
- Allows you to configure a permanent redirect for the 404s found in the admin grid.
- Saves the last visited date
- Saves the storeview for easy filtering
Admin grid location: System > Tools > 404 Reports
Admin configuration location: Stores > Settings > Configuration > Advanced > 404 Reports
Why should you use it?
- Reports all 404s, not only the ones from Google.
- Store owner can fix them by them
- Import redirect list when migrating to M2.
composer require experius/module-pagenotfound
How to use the import csv function?
- Create a csv called "pagenotfound.csv" with two two columns: from and to url (don't add column headers)
- Add the full url including https:// (for both from and to url) to this csv
- Use semicolon (";") as your separator
- Upload csv on the Magento server (f.e. var/import folder)
- Run the import file command including the url from the previous step
- Can be turned on and off in the admin configuration
- 404 reports with a redirect can be kept
- Even if it normally would've had been deleted
- Runs once per day
- Runs at 03:00 AM
- Command to delete records
- Deletes records according to the config in the admin
- Parameter
is available to overwrite the days in the admin configuration