This module is designed for Magento 2. It add the possibility for the site owner to manually validate customer accounts at registration.
Last version : 1.4.2 : compatibility for MG2.2.x + bug fixes
Do not use: 1.4.1
This module is designed to add the possibility for the site owner to manually validate customer accounts at registration.
Such feature could be required, for instance, in situation of B to B sales or private sales.
You can manually download the archive and put its content in the app/code/Enrico69/Magento2CustomerActivation directory or, the most simple (and recommended) way, install it via composer:
composer require enrico69/magento2-customer-activation
Whatever the way you choosed, activate the module and then run the following command:
php magento setup:upgrade
php magento indexer:reindex
php magento cache:clean
In the back-office, got to Store/Configuration. In the Customers tab, select Customer Configuration. In the bottom, set Customer account need to be activated by an admin user to true.
After the activation of the module and once you have set the configuration to require account activation by an admin user, the following process will be followed.