ecomteck/module-product-attachment 1.1.0

Magento 2 Product Attachments extension allows admin to upload numerous file formats: Pdf, Zip, MOV, Excel or Word, etc for enriching maximally informative product pages. Grasp customers’ attention by adding eye-catching icons to attachment files thus customers recognize the file type they open or download.




OSL-3.0, AFL-3.0



Requires (dev)










Magento 2 Product Attachment

Magento 2 Product Attachments extension allows admin to upload numerous file formats: Pdf, Zip, MOV, Excel or Word, etc for enriching maximally informative product pages. Grasp customers’ attention by adding eye-catching icons to attachment files thus customers recognize the file type they open or download.

Highlight features for for Product Attachments

  • Support diverse downloadable file formats
  • Upload attachments with ease: Drag and drop!
  • Upload file attachments directly or using links
  • View attachments in order page & product page
  • Files are displayed with an icon, title, and size
  • Customers can download files in a blink of the eye
  • Localize attachment names for multi-language
  • Assign a single attachment to many products
  • Effortlessly edit file attachments visibility
  • Restrict by customer groups and store views
  • Customize icons matching with attachments type
  • Manage and expand the icon list effortlessly
  • User-friendly configuration in the backend

1. Documentation


update soon.


update soon.


update soon.


update soon.

Introduction installation:

2 - Installation Magento 2 Product Attachment extension

Manual Installation

Install Product Attachment extension for Magento2 * Download the extension * Unzip the file * Create a folder {Magento root}/app/code/Ecomteck/ProductAttachment * Copy the content from the unzip folder

Using Composer
composer require ecomteck/module-product-attachment

2 - Enable And Install the extension

  • php bin/magento module:enable Ecomteck_ProductAttachment
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
  • php bin/magento cache:clean

3 - See results

update soon.


update soon.


Magento 2 Product Attachments extension allows admin to upload numerous file formats: Pdf, Zip, MOV, Excel or Word, etc for enriching maximally informative product pages. Grasp customers’ attention by adding eye-catching icons to attachment files thus customers recognize the file type they open or download.

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