



Requires (dev)










E-Comprocessing Gateway Module for Magento 2 CE

This is a Payment Module for Magento 2 Community Edition, that gives you the ability to process payments through E-Comprocessing's Payment Gateway - Genesis.


  • Magento 2 Community Edition 2.x (Tested upto 2.2.0)
  • GenesisPHP v1.8.x - (Integrated in Module)
  • PCI-certified server in order to use E-Comprocessing Direct

Note: this module has been tested only with Magento 2 Community Edition, it may not work as intended with Magento 2 Enterprise Edition

Installation (composer)

  • Install Composer - Composer Download Instructions

  • Install E-ComProcessing Payment Gateway

    • Install Payment Module

      $ composer require e-comprocessing/magento2-ecp-plugin
    • Enable Payment Module

      $ php bin/magento module:enable EComProcessing_Genesis --clear-static-content
      $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • Deploy Magento Static Content (Execute If needed)

      $ php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Installation (manual)

  • Upload the contents of the folder (excluding README.md) to a new folder <root>/app/code/EComProcessing/Genesis/ of your Magento 2 installation
  • Install GenesisGateway Client Library

    $ composer require genesisgateway/genesis_php:1.8.3@stable
  • Enable Payment Module

    $ php bin/magento module:enable EComProcessing_Genesis --clear-static-content
    $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Deploy Magento Static Content (Execute If needed)

    $ php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


  • Login inside the Admin Panel and go to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods
  • If the Payment Module Panel E-Comprocessing is not visible in the list of available Payment Methods, go to System -> Cache Management and clear Magento Cache by clicking on Flush Magento Cache
  • Go back to Payment Methods and click the button Configure under the payment method E-Comprocessing Checkout or E-Comprocessing Direct to expand the available settings
  • Set Enabled to Yes, set the correct credentials, select your prefered transaction types and additional settings and click Save config

Configure Magento over secured HTTPS Connection

This configuration is needed for E-Comprocessing Direct Method to be usable.

Steps: * Ensure you have installed a valid SSL Certificate on your Web Server & you have configured your Virtual Host correctly. * Login to Magento 2 Admin Panel * Navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Web * Expand Tab Base URLs (Secure) and set Use Secure URLs on Storefront and Use Secure URLs in Admin to Yes * Set your Secure Base URL and click Save Config * It is recommended to add a Rewrite Rule from http to https or to configure a Permanent Redirect to https in your virtual host

GenesisPHP Requirements

Note: If you have trouble with your credentials or terminal configuration, get in touch with our support team

You're now ready to process payments through our gateway.