Magento module which allows your customers to use a username and not only the email address as identifier
It's a BETA. Lots of things have not been yet implemented or is a work in progress. See the issues For example checkout account creation with username doesn't work.
Compatible and tested with Magento version 2.0 & 2.1
Login with a username or email, it can be done from frontend during checkout or to get access to the customer account
Save a username from frontend (register account or checkout process) or from backend by editing a customer account
Prevent duplicate username
The default templates override some customer and checkout views to adapt display for login pages, checkout process and account edition in frontend. If you have a customized template, update your template with the content of the one of this module.
Configurable options to define what kind of username to support: only letters, only digits, both or default (digits, letters and special characters '-_') or even custom regex
Configurable options to set the maximum and minimum string length
Display Username of each customer in the Customer Management Grid
Allow or not the customer to edit the username in My Account in frontend
Support username when a customer wants to retrieve his forgotten password thanks to the "Forgotten Password" form
Generate usernames for customer account who don't have one, can be triggered from configuration page. Generated usernames will use current saved configuration (letters, digits, both or custom regex).
cd path/to/my/magento/project
bin/magento module:uninstall -r Diglin_Username
TEMPORARY SOLUTION from your database UI:
DELETE FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code LIKE '%username%';
ALTER TABLE sales_flat_quote DROP COLUMN 'customer_username';
ALTER TABLE sales_flat_order DROP COLUMN 'customer_username';
ALTER TABLE customer_grid_flat DROP COLUMN 'username';