Yehhpay Payment Extension For Magento 2
This extension will enable merchants to accept post delivery payments via Yehhpay to increase their conversion rates. With Yehhpay, merchants can offer their customers an convenient post delivery payment method and at the same time control credit risks.
When installing this extension, an additional payment method will be added to your checkout.
In this installation manual we assume you have already got an account with us. If not, you can apply for an account with Yehhpay on https://account.postcode.nl/aanmelden/yehhpay
The extension was created by Wezz e-Commerce for Yehhpay.
Looking for the Yehhpay Magento 1 Extension?
API Documentation
This extension uses Yehhpay's Merchant API. Documentation of the API can be found on https://api.yehhpay.nl/documentation/merchant/api
Soon this extension will be available on Magento Marketplace.
composer require wezz/yehhpay-m2
php bin/magento module:enable Wezz_Yehhpay
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:clean
And, when running production mode:
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Now, you can log in to the Magento backend and configure and enable the extension.
Navigate to the module configuration using the following path:
Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Yehhpay
Fill in the following fields to configure your Yehhpay extension.
Field | Explanation |
Enabled | Option to enable/disable the module on your Magento store |
Payment mode | Switch between test and live payment mode |
Application key | Please find your Application key in your Yehhpay account |
Application secret | Please find your Application secret in your Yehhpay account |
Minimum Order Total | The minimum order amount that can be payed with Yehhpay |
Maximum Order Total | The maximum order amount that can be payed with Yehhpay |
Field | Explanation |
Check on billing and delivery addresses | Yehhpay requires customers shippings and invoice address to be the same, must be set to yes. |
Service identifier | Please find your Application identifier in your Yehhpay account |
Frontend label | The name of the Yehhpay Payment method in the Magento checkout |
Payment success status | The status of the order when the payment module returns status success |
Payment failed status | The status of the order when the payment module returns status failed |
Payment from Specific Countries | Select specific country from with customers can pay with Yehhpay, leave empty for all countries |
For Frequently Asked Questions please visit https://www.wezz.co/extensions/yehhpay.