snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca 2.6.0

Alpaca frontend theme for Magento 2





Requires (dev)










Alpaca - components & theme for Magento 2.3


Alpaca Theme for Magento 2 is part of a alpaca-packages To make it work with all features, we use following modules:

Open source * magepal/magento2-gmailsmtpapp * magepal/magento2-googletagmanager * mailchimp/mc-magento2 * smile/elasticsuite * snowdog/module-bullet-points * snowdog/module-category-attributes * snowdog/module-alpaca-acm * snowdog/module-menu * snowdog/module-product-attribute-description * snowdog/module-shipping-latency * webshopapps/module-matrixrate * paradoxlabs/authnetcim * paradoxlabs/tokenbase * authorizenet/magento-module-creditcard

and module-alpaca-acm (from github) which will be added in p.1

Additional, non-opensource modules the theme works with to cover additional features: * amasty/adminactionslog * amasty/module-gdpr * amasty/module-gift-card * amasty/module-google-rich-snippets * amasty/module-product-feed * amasty/module-shipping-rules * amasty/module-special-promo * amasty/module-store-locator * amasty/payrestriction * amasty/shiprestriction * apptrian/facebook-pixel * blackbird/contentmanager * vladimirpopov/webforms


Install whole package using composer: composer require snowdog/alpaca-packages

Node >=12.13.0 <13.0.0 is required for frontools and components


  1. Create child theme composer repository:

    • default Magento 2 theme files: theme.xml, registration.php, preview.jpg, .gitignore, composer.json
    • composer.json example file:
    "name": "vendor/theme-frontend-child-theme",
    "description": "Child frontend theme",
    "type": "magento2-theme",
    "require": {
        "snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca": "<latest-version>",
        "vendor/module-child-theme-frontools": "<latest-version>"
    "autoload": {
        "files": [
    • in theme.xml set Alpaca theme as a parent: <parent>Snowdog/alpaca</parent>
    • add following files:
    • styles/styles.scss
    // Component variables
    @import '../Snowdog_Components/components/Atoms/variables/variables';
    @import '../Snowdog_Components/components/Atoms/variables/<child-theme>-variables';
    // Components
    @import '../Snowdog_Components/components/styles';
    // Theme styles
    @import 'theme';
    • Snowdog_Components/components/Atoms/variables/_<child-theme>-variables.scss to overwrite globals variables which you need
  2. Create separate module with frontools configuration (it should be required in theme composer dependencies). Example: vendor/module-child-theme-frontools.

    • File structure:
    |   +--browser-sync.json
    |   +--themes.json
    • config/browser-sync.json:

    Basic configuration for browsersync (set path for project's local url):

      "proxy": "child-theme.test",
      "rewriteRules": [
          "match": ".child-theme.test",
          "replace": ""
    • config/themes.json

    Themes configuration:

    "alpaca": {
      "src": "vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca",
      "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Snowdog/alpaca",
      "locale": ["en_US"],
      "ignore": [
    "child-theme": {
      "parent": "alpaca",
      "src": "vendor/theme-frontend-child-theme",
      "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Vendor/child-theme",
      "locale": ["en_US"],
      "ignore": [
    • composer.json:

    add snowdog/frontools as a dependency, it is recommended to use latest version but you can choose the frontools version you need.

    "name": "vendor/module-child-theme-frontools",
    "type": "magento2-component",
    "require": {
      "snowdog/frontools": "^1.8.0"
    "extra": {
      "map": [
  3. Install theme with frontools dependencies using composer:

composer require vendor/theme-frontend-child-theme


theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components it's separate project integrated with Magento 2 Theme. It is not set as a separate composer package (neither separate git repository) to work with Magento theme easier and faster. But you can work on components separately and run them outside of Magento.

To build custom components based on Alpaca components:

  1. Copy-paste package.json, gulpfile.js, .eslintignore, .eslintrc, .sass-lint.yml, .stylelintrc files into theme-frontend-<child-theme>/Snowdog_Components:

  2. Update project names in package.json and gulpfile.js

  3. Copy styles.scss from theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components/docs/styles/ and add child project variables import there. The file should look like this:

// Variables
@import '../../components/Atoms/variables/variables';
@import '../../components/Atoms/variables/<child-theme>-variables';

// Components
@import '../../components/styles';

// Styles necessary only for Fractal purposes
@import 'fractal';
  1. Create modules.json file with an array of paths to parent components libraries. To inherit dependencies from Alpaca components, you have to define path to theme-forntend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components. In most cases it will look like this: json [ "../../../snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components" ]
  2. Customize or add new files following the same structure as in Alpaca components

  3. Run yarn and yarn dev to run components in fractal :tada:

If you don't work with Magento and want to use only components for some other project, you can create separate repository or/and composer package from theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components and set dependence to Alpaca components (theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components) inside it.

Working with components & theme - customisation guide

Customising components with variables

  • Overwrite any variable in child theme global variable files (Snowdog_Components/components/Atoms/variables/_<child-theme>-variables.scss).
  • Overwrite component's variable file:

Almost every component has its own _component-variables.scss file. You can overwrite single variable and add it to the global file or copy particular file to the same structure inside theme-frontend-child-name/Snowdog_Components folder and change variables there. * Create custom file with overwritten variables and import it in the main styles file

Customising components

  • Overwrite the same file in Snowdog_Components files structure (.hbs, .config.js, .scss)
  • Creating new components and import styles for it

More about working with Alpaca Components directly in components'

Customising theme files

  • Follow standard Magento way to work with Theme inheritance Remember:
  • Layout XML file extends the one from parent theme, so there is no need to copy file, just add particular Layout XML file and add/remove/customize what you need.
  • Template has to be overwritten in the child theme


Styles in Alpaca are separated: * Components styles inside theme-frontend-alpaca/Snowdog_Components to work with components directly. Components are divided into Atomic groups (Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates) and imported in main styles file

Those styles are also imported inside the theme in main styles file Additionally, inside components, we have separated styles for checkout.

  • To add new component and import style for it, copy-paste the file for import styles inside group (ex. Molecules styles import, and add your import there.
  • During styles compilation for theme, following directories are ignored:

It should be added in themes.json in frontools config as ignores files * Inside theme, we have main styles file and separate styles for gallery and for checkout


JS files from components are not imported in theme, they are only demonstrative. For theme we need to build JS files using RequireJS. If you use ES6, you should use babel support, just add .babel in file name before .js extension, ex: script for tabs


Used lib: slick slider Magento Theme: One template for all sliders (theme-frontend-alpaca/Magento_Theme/templates/html/slider.phtml) How to use: 1. If possible define block in xml:

<referenceBlock name="some_block_name">
        //required option with uniq name

        //required option for sliders using content type `pictures` as slides

        // optional option used to define slider variant

        // optional option used to define classes for slider title
            heading heading--first-level margin-0

    // required block with name parameter same as defined in slider_block argument

if not use:

$sliderBlock = $this->getLayout()
  1. Initialize "before-slides" block in .phtml file
$sliderBlock = $this->getSliderBlock(); //
$sliderBlock->setData(['slider_html'=>'before-slides', ...]);
<?= $sliderBlockBefore->toHtml(); ?>

"..." - additional config options:

    'slider_html'       => 'before-slides', //required option
    'slider_class'      => '', //optional slider class name
    'wrapper_class'     => '', //optional slider wrapper class name
    'display_title'     => '', //optional bool value
    'slider_title'      => '', //optional slider title
    'title_class'       => '', //optional slider title class name
    'content_before'    => '', //optional content before slides
    'arrows'            => '', //optional value (yes/no)
    'is_ajax'           => '', //bool value - set to true when slides are loaded with ajax

    //below options are optional and described in: []
    'infinite'          => '', //default true
    'mobile_first'      => '', //default true
    'center_mode'       => '', //default false
    'dots'              => '', //default true
    'autoplay'          => '', //default false
    'autoplay_speed'    => '', //default 3000
    'pause_on_focus'    => '', //default true
    'pause_on_hover'    => '', //default true
    'slides_to_show'    => '', //default 1
    'slides_to_scroll'  => '', //default 1
    'responsive_config' => '', //default false
  1. Render html for slides
<?php foreach ($items as $key => $item) : ?>
    <div class="slider__item">
<?php endforeach ?>
  1. Initialize "after-slides" block in .phtml file
$sliderBlock->setData(['slider_html'=>'after-slides', ...]);
<?= $sliderBlock->toHtml(); ?>

Alpaca Content - Set up your store, admin / db changes for alpaca theme

Menu - to display menu use Snowog's magento2-menu module

  1. Desktop menu:
    • identifier: main-desktop
    • Menu Main CSS Class: mega-menu
  2. Mobile menu:
    • identifier: main-mobile
    • Menu Main CSS Class: dropdown-list
  3. Footer links menu
    • identifier: main-footer
    • Menu Main Class: dropdown-list

You can use Alpaca styles implementation to use different configuration of menu items, by adding classes to nodes, check Alpaca components for details to build menu's adjusted to your project's needs, for example: to create a column, create node "wrapper" with Node CSS Classes: list__column list__column--hidden

Header & Footer CMS blocks

We use cms block to display and customise some content in header and footer, check vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-colibri/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml which cms block we use and Alpaca components to buld the content structure

Homepage blocks

Homepage content is build using static blocks, check vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-colibri/Magento_Cms/layout/cms_index_index.xml to see which cms blocks are displayed by default and check Alpaca components to build HTML structure

SVG icons in cms block:

  • {{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Magento_Theme::html/svg-icon.phtml" icon="" icon_class="icon" title="" role="presentation" focusable="false"}}
  • as icon value use icon id (Alpaca components)
  • as title use accessible title that describe the icon image
  • base class for icon is icon you can add, adjust class according to your needs
  • a11y - use role="presentation" and focusable="false" if an icon is only decorative to hide in a11y API tree

Responsive images

  • to display responsive image for banners and slider items, we use:
  • template picture.phtml: vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-colibri/Magento_Theme/templates/html/picture.phtml you can adjust it for your needs in the child theme.
  • usage of phtml in cms block/page: {{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Magento_Theme::html/picture.phtml" img480="" img768="" img960="" img1024="" img1328="" img_full="" picture_class="image" picture_alt="" }}
  • by default you can use different image for media query breakpoints, you can also implement images with different device-pixel-ratio, check the template's code for details


  • we use Blackbird Content Manager (paid extension) for sliders, but you can use the structure from Alpaca components and build it using template and CMS blocks


  • we use Blackbird Content Manager (paid extension) for blog

Shipping latency - snowdog/module-shipping-latency

  • is an extension to display additional information about shipping time
  • Extension work on catalog and product detail page, to customise it you need to set attribute (dropdown) option and create cms block for popup content
  • check Shipping latency extension details and theme implementation in: vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-colibri/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/list.phtml (for catalog) and vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-colibri/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/view/shipping-latency.phtml (for product detail page)

Bullet points - snowdog/module-bullet-points

Category attributes - snowdog/module-category-attributes

Product attribute description - snowdog/module-product-attribute-description

  • Extension allow to add additional description for attribute, implemented from admin level
  • check Product attribute description extension details
  • in theme is implemented on catalog level as an additional tooltip, check implementation:
    • vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-colibri/Smile_ElasticsuiteCatalog/templates/layer/filter/attribute.phtml
    • vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-colibri/Magento_Swatches/templates/product/layered/renderer.phtml (swatches)
    • vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-colibri/Smile_ElasticsuiteCatalog/templates/layer/filter/slider.phtml (range filter)

Wishlist unlocker - snowdog/module-wishlist-unlocker

  • This extension allow to show more than 3 items in sidebar wishlist (M2 default is 3)
  • Limit value can be set in admin: Store -> COnfiguration -> Customer -> Wish List -> General option -> Items Limit