msp/module-notifier 0.1.3

Multiple channel notifier engine for Magento 2





Requires (dev)








MageSpecialist Notifier Framework for Magento 2

Quick and dirty

Ok, if you do not have time to read this guide... here you have the short version:

composer require msp/module-notifier-all
bin/magento setup:upgrade

Then open your admin under System > MSP Notifier menù and enjoy it ;)


MSP Notifier is a framework for Magento 2 allowing users and developers to easily integrate a wide set of communication channels to their stores.

Communication channels can be injected via DI mechanism and quickly configured via Magento admin.

Project philosophy

MSP Notifier Project is an extensible module projected around the Domain Driven Development best practices. In other word: it can be considered a set of smaller modules with well defined responsibilities. You can decide to install the whole set of modules or just the ones you need.

Each single component is provided with a full set of API allowing features replacements with full guaranteed backward compatibility.

Installing it

Before trying to install this package, make sure you are using a Magento version greater than 2.2.0. This module is not backward compatible with 2.0 or 2.1.

Installing the whole package:

Open your SSH console and install via composer:

composer require msp/module-notifier-all
bin/magento setup:upgrade

This will install all the core modules provided by MageSpecialist:

  • msp/module-notifier: The basic framework
  • msp/module-notifier-core-adapters: A set of basic communication channels adapters
    • Telegram
    • Slack
    • Email
  • msp/module-notifier-admin-push-adapter: A browser push notification system for Magento admin
  • msp/module-notifier-event: An event handler to connect any Magento event to a channel
  • msp/module-notifier-template: Twig template manager for messages
  • msp/module-notifier-queue: An asynchronous message dispatcher based on Magento cron

Installing single packages

If you want to install single packages you can require just the modules you need. Composer will handle all the required dependencies.


composer require msp/module-notifier msp/module-notifier-template
bin/magento setup:upgrade

How does it work?

We divide notifier engine into 2 main entities:

  • Adapters
  • Channels

An adapter is a set of classes created by a Magento developer to integrate an external messaging software (i.e.: Telegram, Slack, email, ...).

A channel is an adapter configured with a certain set of parameters (e.g.: Telegram Message to John Doe, Slack message to Jane Doe).

If we want for example to send a Telegram message to an imaginary user John Doe, we should create a channel of type Telegram and configure it with John Doe chat id destination.


One adapter can have multiple channels, while a channel have one and only one adapter.

Each adapter or channel are identified by an alphanumeric string called code. Adapters codes are wired in the Magento code by their developers, while channels codes can be freely assigned by the Magento administrator via backend.

The other modules constellation

MageSpecialist Notifier Core Adapters Module

Composer: composer require msp/module-notifier-core-adapters

... // TODO

MageSpecialist Notifier Admin Push Notification Module

Composer: composer require msp/module-notifier-admin-push-adapter

... // TODO

MageSpecialist Notifier Template Module

Composer: composer require msp/module-notifier-template

... // TODO

MageSpecialist Event Manager Module

Composer: composer require msp/module-notifier-event

... // TODO

MageSpecialist Asynchronous Queue Manager Module

Composer: composer require msp/module-notifier-queue

... // TODO

For developers

Sending a message directly from your code

With basic framework you can decide to manually send messages from your code. Of course this is a developer only feature, if you need something mor human usable, please refer to the other modules (e.g.: msp/module-notifier-event).

public function __construct(MSP\NotifierApi\Api\SendMessageInterface $sendMessage)
    $this->sendMessage = $sendMessage;
public function execute()
    ... // Your code
    try {
        $this->sendMessage->execute('my_channel_code', 'Hello world!');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Do error management here... maybe your channel does not exist?
    ... // Your code

Extending with more adapters

You can create your custom adapters and inject them via Magento DI mechanism in MSP\Notifier\Model\AdapterRepository class. A quick and simple example can be found in the msp/module-notifier-core-adapters (

A validation and custom parameters mechanism is provided via VirtualTypes.

NOTE: In the previous example, a channel with code my_channel_code must be configured from Magento backend.

A set of Web API is also available if you wish to remotely handle it.

Sending a message from console

A command line interface is provided to easily integrate this framework from the sysadmin point of view:

bin/magento msp:notifier:send my_channel_code "Hello world!"