Magento 2 GEO IP Extension
GeoIP extension for Magento 2 is an optimal solution for generating awesome customers’ experiences. It records the customers’ IP addresses then use it for navigating them to the suitable store locations, languages and currencies promptly.
Q: If customers switch to another store view, whether the language can be changed accordingly?
A: Definitely, yes. GeoIP conducts the detection of IP addresses and the changing of languages at the same time.
Q: How can I set up the currency rate for changing price currency when stores are changed?
A: First of all, please select two currencies by access to: Stories > Configuration > Currency Setup
. Then, to set the currency rate, please go to Stories > Currency > Currency Rates
Q: How can customers come back to their initial store view?
A: They can do it with ease by selecting the store view on the top menu of the frontend.
Install via composer (recommend)
Run the following command in Magento 2 root folder:
composer require mageplaza/module-geo-ip
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
By recording the data of customers who access your sites, GeoIP extensions modifies and analyses them to obtain customers' addresses and show it immediately in some seconds.
After getting the customers' addresses, GeoIP module continues to match these locations to the according stores with their familiar languages. For example, the customers with IP addresses in the United Stages will be automatically switched to US store view when they visit a multi-stores website.
One of the most outstanding features of GeoIP is changing price currency to the one which is commonly used (such as USD). Also, it can be changed to local currency same as the customer’s country.
Moreover, customers do not need to change the product price to their wished currencies by themselves since GeoIP converts currency automatically.
Multiple-stores site in different locations now totally can gain as many as customers as possible with GeoIP. The module built to enhance users'accessability and usability on sites.
Being automatically moved to the appropriate store views with the familiar languages and currencies, customers will feel the shopping sites much more friendly and convenient to use. As a result, customers willing to invest their time for shopping and picking up their favourite items with ease.
Geo IP and Store Switcher are built with several similar features. Therefore, integrate both extensions will help store admins make full use of customers' data and so that your shopping sites will optimize the customers’ experience from their first-time visits.
From the Admin Panel
, go to Stores > Store Switcher > Configuration > Mageplaza Extension > Geo IP Configuration
, choose Geo IP Configuration
Enable Geo IP, please select Yes
to turn on GeoIP module function which helps you define customers' countries then direct them to the related store views.
Download Library button: Click Download Library
button to download Geo IP library before enabling it.