Add Improved image quality controls to magento 2
The purpose of this extension is to give store owner's control over how their product images are processed and presented to the customer. It is designed to require minimal configuration with the defaults being what most users will need.
Magento has made assumptions about how images should be processed and they do not produce the best results for many users, such as hard coding JPEG image quality to 80. There are also several bugs in Magento core related to image processing that this extension fixes.
It was originally created for use with Image Product Type which turns Magento into a stock image store but it has been seperated so it can be used by any site that wants high quality product images.
Use composer
composer require devstone/magento2-module-imagequality
or if your really want copy all files in this repository into:
In the Admin menu select Stores ⟶ Settings ⟶ Configuration then choose DevStone Extensions ⟶ Image Quality
From here you can set the image quality for the various image sizes. A higher number produces better quality images but larger file sizes. The optimum quality setting depends on the content of the images. * 92 is the highest recommended setting as higher values will not be noticeably different but will create a drastic increase in file size. * 85 generally produces good file sizes with almost no loss in quality. * 75 is the lowest recommended setting and will likely produce noticeable differences from the original.
Of course you can use any number between 1-100 or leave it at the default which for most images will be better than Magento's default of 80.
This extension adds support for the Gmagick PHP extension which is more efficient than Imagick but still has all the same features that Magento needs. The Gmagick PHP extension must be installed and active on the server Magento is running before it can be used. It can be found on pecl and is most Linux distributions package manager. If it is available at the time this extension is installed it will be automatically enabled. To enable it later or to switch to GD or ImageMagick in the Admin menu select Stores ⟶ Settings ⟶ Configuration then choose Advanced ⟶ Developer. Find Image Processing Settings and choose the desired Adapter.
Initial Release
* Add config options for setting JPEG quality for all product image sizes
* Add config option to enable image frame
* Fix bug in core so