Bitcoin and Altcoin Payment Gateway for Magento 2 via CoinGate
Sign up for CoinGate account at https://coingate.com for production and https://sandbox.coingate.com for testing (sandbox) environment.
Please note, that for "Test" mode you must generate separate API credentials on https://sandbox.coingate.com. API credentials generated on https://coingate.com will not work for "Test" mode.
You can install Magento 2 CoinGate plugin via Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:
Go to your Magento 2 root folder.
Enter following commands to install plugin:
composer require coingate/magento2-plugin
Wait while dependencies are updated.
Enter following commands to enable plugin:
php bin/magento module:enable CoinGate_Merchant --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Go to https://marketplace.magento.com/coingate-magento2-plugin.html (you will have login and register on Magento Marketplace).
“Purchase” the plugin (it is free, but it is called a “Purchase” by Magento Marketplace).
Login to your Magento admin panel and go to System > Web Setup Wizard > Component Manager
Click "Sign in to sync your Magento Marketplace purchases" (to generate the public and private keys needed for signin - login to your Magento Marketplace account, go to My Account > My Access Keys > Magento 2
and click Create A New Access Key).
Click Sync, wait for Magento to sych your Marketplace purchases and click Install.
Click Install next to coingate/magento2-plugin
Click Start Readiness Check > Next > Create Backup (optional) > Next > Install.
Enable and configure CoinGate plugin in Magento Admin under Stores / Configuration / Sales / Payment Methods / Bitcoin and Altcoins via CoinGate