Celebros ConversionPro Embedded
OSL-3.0, AFL-3.0
Celebros ConversionPro Embedded
1.0.0 - stable
1.1.0 - redirect to product page if single result has been added
1.1.1 - 1.1.5 - technical fixes
1.1.6 - fix for upsell on EE
1.1.7 - profiles fixed
1.1.8 - 1.1.12 - tech fix
1.1.13 - 'custom message' campaign added
1.1.14 - sorting fix for magento 2.2.3
1.1.15 - magefan/module-conflict-detector added to dependencies
1.1.16 - technical fixes for magento 2.2.4
1.1.17 - analytics added for fallback requests
1.1.18 - php require version changed
1.1.19 - adaptation to magento 2.3.0
1.1.20 - 1.1.27 - tech fixes
1.1.28 - issue with duplicate attributes fixed
1.1.29 - 1.1.31 - tech fixes
1.2.0 - crossells/upsells has removed from module
1.2.1 - sorting on search and category pages has been fixed
1.2.2 - price filter sorting and filter search have been added
1.2.3 - conflict with elasticsearch has been fixed
1.2.4 - issue with price filter has been fixed
1.3.0 - logs have been added; tech fixes
1.3.1 - cache lifetime update; popular search terms queries removed for celebros engine
1.4.0 - php 7.4.x has been added to require dependency, tech fixes for magento version >= 2.4.0; have been added: swatch filter + js refactoring + price slider
1.4.1 - di compilation fix
1.4.2 - 1.4.3 - technical fixes
1.4.4 - algorithm for nav2search method 'answer_id' has been changed
1.4.5 - price filter labels format has been changed
1.5.0 - graphql has been added
1.5.1 - tech fixes for graphql; refactoring