bitexpert/magento2-force-customer-login 1.3.0

The Force Login module for Magento2 redirects a storefront visitor to the Magento2 Frontend login page, if the visitor is not logged in. It is possible to configure the whitelisted urls to add custom definitions.





Requires (dev)










Force Login Module for Magento® 2

The Force Login Module for Magento® 2 allows you to restrict which pages a visitor is able to see. Visitors get redirected to the login page if the page is not marked visitable. The Force Login Module for Magento® 2 is especially useful for merchants serving only a specific group of users, e.g. enterprise related business partners and need to ensure that only those users are able to browse the the website or the product catalog.


  • Force your guest visitors to log in first (or register), before allowing them to visit your pages and catalog
  • Administration: Manage the whitelist rules by the GUI in the administration area
  • ACL: Restrict the administration of whitelist rules to certain backend user groups
  • Whitelisting: Define url rules as pattern to define which pages guest visitors can visit without logging in first
  • Multistore-Support: Define if whitelist rules either apply globally or for specific stores


The preferred way of installing bitexpert/magento2-force-customer-login is through Composer. Simply add bitexpert/magento2-force-customer-login as a dependency:

composer.phar require bitexpert/magento2-force-customer-login

Optional you can download the latest version here and install the decompressed code in your projects directory under app/code/bitExpert/ForceCustomerLogin.

User Guide

Find the complete user guide here.

How to use

The usage of the Force Login Module for Magento® 2 is applied implicitly by redirecting visitors if the called URI does not match any configured whitelisted url rules.

How to configure


Navigating through the Magento® 2 backend menu by clicking onto Customers you must see a new menu entry Forced Login Whitelist.

Enter this menu entry.

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Overview Grid

You can add new entries by clicking on the Add Entry button in the upper right corner ( 1 ), see below. The grid ( 2 ) contains all existing whitelisted Url Rules, for which the forced redirect to the Customer Login Page is omitted. The Url Rules ( 3 ) are part of a regular expression checking on the called Url and tries to match against the whitelist. Url Rules may be related to all stores or to a specific one ( 4 ). All rules except some mandatory ones are editable ( 5 ) and removeable ( 6 ).

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Detail Form

You can return to the Overview Grid by using the Back button ( 1 ). The Label value has only declarative character and is for information purpose only ( 2 ). The Url Rule is part of a regular expression checking on the called Url and tries to match against the whitelist ( 3 ). Url Rules may be related to all stores or to a specific one ( 4 ). Persist the rule by using the Save button ( 5 ).

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Feel free to contribute to this module by reporting issues or create some pull requests for improvements.


The Force Login Module for Magento® 2 is released under the Apache 2.0 license.