altapay/magento2-payment 0.13.0

Valitor-Omni: we make buying and selling easy





Requires (dev)










Valitor Magento2-2 extension

Valitor has made it much easier for you as merchant/developer to receive secure payments in your Magento2 web shop.

== Change log ==

** Version 0.13.0

* Improvements: 
        - Revamp orderlines on various coupon scenarios
        - New enhancements related to various types of discounts and tax scenarios
        - Compensation amount with shipping
        - Added support for:
            - catalog discounts in relation to the latest updates on orderlines 
            - applied discount on virtual products
* Bug fixes:
        - Partial captures failing on certain cases when Klarna used as payment method
        - Exception thrown on certain cases when refunds are made 

** Version 0.12.0

* Improvement:
        - Added support for configurable products

** Version 0.11.0

* Improvements:
        - List of supported languages is dynamically fetched; only supported by the payment gateway are available
        - Terminal dropdown list with default option
        - Added support discounts applied to shipping
        - Handle correctly virtual and downloadable products at checkout completion
* Bug fixes:
        - Payment method not always shown correctly, according to the store configuration
        - Multiple issues on shipping orderline
        - Terminal enabled based on Default instead of Store configuration level
        - Capture and refund failing on certain cases
        - Amounts having more than two digits not handled correctly
        - Error message related to the back button shown when successful payment

** Version 0.10.0

* Improvements:
        - Added support for coupons
        - Browser back button improvements
        - Separate order line for cart rules sent the payment gateway
        - Improvements on handling discounts on price including tax
        - Changed private methods to protected to allow easier rewrites(credits to Martin René Sørensen, through pull request)
* Bug fixes:
        - Unit price not fetched correctly on price including taxes
        - Order status history comment added when consumer gets redirected to the payment gateway

** Version 0.9.0

* Improvement:
        - Added more details in the history comment for failed orders
* Note:
        - Only discounts in percentage, two digits, are supported for payments made with Klarna

** Version 0.8.0

* Improvements:
        - New database table according to the branding changes                  
        - Several refactored files                     
        - Database update for cleanup job after the rebranding changes
        - Added a second batch of branding changes (renamed layout files and references)
* Bug fixes:
        - Error not showing on browser back buton usage.
        - Discounts not handled properly due to unitPrice and discount percentage (the reason for the Klarna failed payments)
        - PHP 7.2 limitation has been removed

** Version 0.7.0

* Improvements:
        - Invoice automatically generated when autocapture or ePayment is used
        - Added section for order status when AutoCapture is on
* Bug fixes:
        - Notification flow broken
        - Wrong module version sent to the payment gateway

* Note:
        - before installing this version please run:
                $ bin/magento module:uninstall SDM_Altapay -r

** Version 0.6.0

* Improvements:
        - Rebranding from Altapay to Valitor
        - Platform and plugin versioning information sent to the payment gateway
        - Added support for virtual products
* Bug fixes:
        - Validation Error not been shown at back button from checkout page
        - Order Status stall in "Pending"
        - Payment capture often fails

** Version 0.5.0

* Improvement: 
        - Added failed message as order history comment for failed captures
        - Payment statuses handled properly in the notification callback
* Bug fixes:
        - Handled correctly the cancelled payment status
        - Added a fix for the percentage discounts, on item and cart level, for invoice payment methods. 
            -- Note: only one type of discounts (item or cart) can be used per order

** Version 0.4.2

* Bug fixes: 
        - Item unit price sent when capture
        - Order status set according to the configuration from the admin panel
        - Localization files encoding
        - Corrected the localization file available for the Norwegian language: Bokmål

** Version 0.4.1

* Bug fixes: 
        - Wrong reference (namespace) for the plugin
        - Module failing in rendering the callback form

** Version 0.4.0

* Improvements: 
        - Added multi language support (Danish, German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and French); other languages will default to English
        - Added a custom column in the order view with correct terminal name, based on the  order's store scope
        - Improved the communication with the payment gateway

** Version 0.3.3

* Improvement: 
        - Revert the usage of a cupon if the payment is canceled by the consumer through the back button
* Bug fixes:
        - Fix the order-cleanup script to be aplicable only to Altapay transactions
        - Fix the order status show in the history comments from the order view

** Version 0.3.2

* Bug fixes:
        - Fix the order-cleanup script to be applicable only to Altapay orders
        - Fix the terminal name in the order view, according to store level

** Version 0.3.1

* Bug fix: 
        - Cancel the order if the consumer moves away from the payment form by using the back button in the browser

** Version 0.3.0

* Improvement: 
        - Payment form with the order details 
* Bug fix: 
        - Empty cart if consumer uses the back button from the payment form

** Version 0.2.1

* Bug fixes: 
        - Terms and Condition checkbox in checkout page
        - Order status, before payment, set according to the setting from the store

** Version 0.2.0

* Improvements: 
        - Update the order with the correct status and state in accordance to the payment gateway response 
        - Use StoreScope on all connections to the payment gateway
        - Add Enable option for terminals on store level

** Version 0.1.11

* Bug fix: 
        - Support for store scope

** Version 0.1.10

* Improvements: 
        - OrderLines (including taxAmount) added in the Refund request
        - Tax amount added to Capture request

** Version 0.1.9

* Bug fix: 
        - Error message not shown in case of a payment gateway error
* Client library updated: new element in the XML response for CreatePaymentRequest

** Version 0.1.8

* Bug fix: 
        - Amount type set to float

** Version 0.1.7

* Bug fix: 
        - Unit price and "handling" GoodsType

** Version 0.1.6

* Support for tax information in the order lines