allindata/magento2-content-fuzzyfyr 1.2.0

The Content Fuzzyfyr module for Magento2 fills up empty content fields - and if needed - switches real content with dummy content. This is for development purposes, e.g. save time to prepare test data and matching GDPR restrictions.





Requires (dev)










Content Fuzzyfyr Module for Magento® 2

The Content Fuzzyfyr module for Magento® 2 fills up empty content fields - and if needed - switches real content with dummy content. This is for development purposes, e.g. save time to prepare test data and matching GDPR restrictions.


  • Fill up empty content fields with dummy content - completely automated
  • Match GDPR restrictions for development, when using production data
  • Use parameters to control the sections required to be filled up with dummy content


The preferred way of installing allindata/magento2-content-fuzzyfyr is through Composer. Simply add allindata/magento2-content-fuzzyfyr as a dependency:

composer.phar require allindata/magento2-content-fuzzyfyr

Optional you can download the latest version here and install the decompressed code in your projects directory under app/code/AllInData/ContentFuzzyfyr.


After the installment of the module source code, the module has to be enabled by the Magento® 2 CLI.

bin/magento module:enable AllInData_ContentFuzzyfyr

System Upgrade

After enabling the module, the Magento® 2 system must be upgraded.

If the system mode is set to production, run the compile command first. This is not necessary for the developer mode.

bin/magento setup:di:compile

To upgrade the system, the upgrade command must be run.

bin/magento setup:upgrade

User Guide

Find the complete user guide here.

How to use


The Content Fuzzyfyr Module for Magento® 2 provides an Magento® 2 CLI command to be run:

bin/magento aid:content:fuzzyfyr [options]

Note: Be aware the command only runs in non-production mode to avoid messing up production data on mistake.

You may want to switch to default or developer mode to run the command:

bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer

List of flags

Option Description
--only-empty Use dummy content only if the original data is equal to empty
--categories Apply dummy content to categories (content, meta description)
--cms-blocks Apply dummy content to CMS Blocks (content)
--cms-pages Apply dummy content to CMS Pages (content, meta description)
--customers Apply dummy content to customers (Last name, address, email)
--products Apply dummy content to products (description)
--users Apply dummy content to users (Last name, email)

List of options

Option Value Description
--dummy-content-text String Used as dummy text content. Defaults to 'Lorem ipsum.'
--dummy-content-email String Used as dummy email content. Defaults to 'lorem.ipsum.%[email protected]'
--dummy-content-url String Used as dummy url content. Defaults to ''
--dummy-content-phone String Used as dummy phone content. Defaults to '+49 (0) 600 987 654 32'


Feel free to contribute to this module by reporting issues or create some pull requests for improvements.


The Content Fuzzyfyr Module for Magento® 2 is released under the Apache 2.0 license.